start Start a local proxy server stop Stop the local proxy server (Only works in daemon mode) restart Restart the local proxy service (Only works in daemon mode) state Show all the servers state (Only works in daemon mode) open Open browser and set proxy hello A testcommand that say hello to you.
-v, --version Display version information -h, --help Display help information --log-dir <dir> The log directory when run in background, default: user home directory --log-time Show time info before every log message --log-level The log levels, format: <level1>[,<lavel2[,...]] --grep <content> Filter the log data
This command will start a local proxy service on the specified port. You can specify whether the service is running in the background, if running in the background, all the log of the service will be redirect to the log files.
The log file is located in the user’s home directory by default. Of course, you can specify the log file’s path via the option --log-dir <dir>.
-h, --help show help info -D, --daemon Run hiproxy in background -c, --hosts-file <files> hosts files, format: <file1>[,<file2>[,...]] -s, --https Enable HTTPS proxy -m, --middle-man-port <port> The Man-In-The-MiddleHTTPS proxy port, default: 10010 -o, --open [browser] Open a browser window and use hiproxy proxy --pac-proxy Use Proxy auto-configuration (PAC) -p, --port <port> HTTP proxy port, default: 5525 -r, --rewrite-file <files> rewrite config files, format: <file1>[,<file2>[,...]] --sys-proxy <path> Your own proxy server path, format: <ip>[:port], only works when use PAC -w, --workspace <dir> The workspace
If the proxy service is running in the background, hiproxy provides a stop command to stop the service
> hiproxy stop
The open command can open a browser window and automatically set up the browser’s proxy info based on the currently started proxy service.
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> hiproxy open --help
open [options]
Open browser and set proxy
-h, --help show help info -b, --browser <browser> Browser name, default: chrome. Valid alues: chrome,firefox,opera --pac-proxy Use Proxy auto-configuration (PAC)
This command will display the basic status information of the currently started proxy service.