Find Configuration File

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If you place the configuration file (include the its name) by following hiproxy concept, while hiproxy starts, it can automatically find the file without specifying the configuration file manually.

Otherwise, you have to specify the configuration file while hiproxy starts. In the case, you may place the configuration file anywhere, which can be named anything. (Omitted hosts file name is hosts, and rewrite file name is rewrite).

Specifiy configuration file

You can use some options to specify the name of configuration file. They are -c, --hosts-file <files> or -r, --rewrite-file <files>.

-c, --hosts-file <files> is used to specify the path of hosts file. , can be used to separate more than one files.

-r, --rewrite-file <files> is used to specify the path of rewrite file. , can be used to separate more than one files.

<files> supports simple wildchar mode to speify more files. For example, --rewrite-file ./*/*.conf.


If you specified a configuration file, hiproxy would look for specified file to instead of looking for omitted hosts ro rewrite. For example: If `-c .//hosts.confis specified, hiproxy would ignore the file namedhosts. * If-r ./*/rewrite.confis specified, hiproxy would ignore the file namedrewrite`.

Wildchars in configuraton files

Suporting wildchars:

wildchars | description | example | mached | unmached ———|———-|———|———-|——— * | Match one or more characters. | ./test-*.js | ./test-hello.js | ./test-.js ? | Match only one character. | ./test?.js | ./testA.js | ./testAB.js [abc] | Matches a single character that is contained within the brackets. | ./test[ABC].js | ./testA.js | ./testD.js [^abc] | Matches a single character that is not contained within the brackets. | ./test[^ABC].js | ./testD.js | ./testA.js [!abc] | Same as [^abc] | ./test[!ABC].js | ./testD.js | ./testA.js


Do not support use ** to look for files in any hierarchy.