Get And Install SSL Certificate

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Hiproxy can generate its own root certificate. You can think it as a CA (Hiproxy Custom CA). If a https request need hiproxy to forward, hiproxy would use its own root certificate to generate automatically a secure certification of that https request.

Hiproxy own root certificate is not trusted by OS, therefore, you have to install the root certificate by manual to let OS know it as trusted one.

Download The Certificate

As soon as hiproxy is started (suppose the port number is 5525), you can go to get the root certificate of Hiproxy Custom CA.

You can get the URL from by following below image:

Install Certificate

The following describes how the root certificate is installed in OSX, iOS, Windows and Android.


  1. Double click downloaded Hiproxy_Custom_CA_Certificate.pem to import the certificate to keychain.

  2. Input your username and password in popuped dialog.

  3. Now the certificate is not trusted. You should double click the certificate which is imported in previous step.

  1. Choose Always trust by following Trust > While using this certificate.

  1. Close the dialog. Now the certificate is in trusted state.


  1. Send the downloaded certificate to iPhone then open it in iOS.

  2. Click Install on the top right of the view.

  1. Click Install to confirm.

  1. After complate installing, click Complete to finish and exit installing.

  1. If the iOS version >= 10.3, you have to click Certificate trust settings by following Settings > General > About this iPhone.

  1. Open the switcher on Hiproxy Custom CA.


  1. Double click downloaded Hiproxy_Custom_CA_Certificate.crt to install the certificate.

  2. Click Install certificate on the popuped dialog.

  1. Click Next.

  1. Choose Persist all certificates in below storage(P) then click Browse(R) and select Trusted CA, click OK

  1. Click Next, then Finish. Complete the certificate installing by following wizard.


  1. Download the certificate and send it to mobile.

  2. Click Install from SD card by following Settings > Security.

  1. Input the unlock password then certificate name, for example HiproxyCustomCA, then click OK.

  1. Follow Settings > Security > Trusted certificate > Users. If you can find hiproxy root certificate, it succeeds.